For some reason, whenever I say goodbye to someone, I always have The Sound of Music flashbacks. But I never understood how the littlest (and most annoying) Von Trapp could be singing at a party, and then all of a sudden, fall asleep on the steps leading up to the bedrooms. She seriously couldn't have waited thirty more seconds to go to bed?? I'd say she has a slight case of narcolepsy to deal with. That, or the senior Von Trapp holds the worlds most boring parties, which wouldn't surprise me at all. I mean, his girlfriend IS a former nun. How exciting can that relationship be?
Mr. VT: Honey, what would you like to do for dinner?
Maria: Jesus
Mr. VT: Okaaaayyy....well, do you want to go watch a movie?
Maria: Mother Mary
Mr. VT: Um. What about this weekend? We can go on a hike, bike ride, drive to the beach...
Maria: Jesus
Mr. VT: I think I'm just gonna go to bed now.
See? Boring.
But in any case, my little bro left me last Friday. Josh and I had three weeks of his help, and believe me, it was much appreciated. He took care of the pets, cleaned house, took care of me. We repayed him by taking him on all these little day trips over the weekends. Heidelberg, Luxembourg, France, Trier, Lichtenberg, etc. etc. I hope he had a good time. I do think that my favorite part was reminiscing with him. We shared a ton of stories from our childhood. Be jealous, people, because Chris and I seriously had the best childhood. I almost don't want to have children, for fear that they won't get to do as many awesome things that Chris and I got to do while growing up.
But, I'll share my super-awesome childhood stories later. Right now, I want to talk about something I realized these past three weeks with Chris. We are just so similar. Not only our thoughts and beliefs, but also our quirks and...ahem..."weaknesses." (If you want to call them "weaknesses". I prefer "unique strengths.")
Nothing could highlight this more than the night the three of us played Trivial Pursuit together. Josh is reading a question, and I answer what I think the back of the card will say - which was correct. But as soon as Josh says I got the correct answer, Chris and I both say at the exact same time, "Actually, that's not right, the correct answer is blah blah blah." Josh rolls his eyes, start laughing, and says something along the lines of "Jeez, you Bolton kids..." See, Chris and I are smart. But, unfortunately, we're obnoxiously smart. (THANKS, DAD!!!) Both our middle names should be "Actually...." We like to correct people. Well, I really try to hold my tongue a lot of times, because, let's face it, you can't fix stupid. But Chris, on the other hand, will fight to the death if it means him getting a correct answer. We both love science, and love to read, and we're also Masters of Google. If we don't know an answer right off the bat, we will immediately search the interwebs to find out...and then act like we knew the answer all along. Even if we're wrong about something, I assure you, we can argue until you can't possibly see how we were wrong in the first place.
And now I bet you're wondering how two obnoxious know-it-alls like us actually have friends. So, I may be slightly self-deprecating, but really, our know-it-allness is really just a small part of us. It's just highlighted when we're playing Trivial Pursuit with a non-Bolton. I hate to say it (not really), but if you're playing a game with me and my brother, YOU'RE GOIN' DOWN!!!!!!!!