Monday, September 12, 2011

Hiroshima 2011

There are a lot of new issues and crises going on in my bubble right now (wildfires, burned homes, broken bones, blood clots, nursing homes, etc etc etc). I have neither the time nor desire to talk about them right now. Maybe in a couple days or so.


If I see one more person on Facebook say that they are "praying" or that "God is protecting" or that "prayers are being requested"...I am going to lose my ever-loving mind.

Seriously, stfu. I have never been so angry and ready to be a hermit in the Andes as I am now.

The next person that tells me they're "praying for help" is going to get beaned by a whiffle ball.

Yes, a whiffle ball. Not a softball, like I would REALLY like to hurl. I'm not completely heartless....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Impossible Feat

It is practically impossible to watch a subtitled foreign movie while crocheting a detailed piece. Never woulda thunk it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Come again?

At the grocery store on base(commissary) you can either do self checkout, or have a personal bagger/grocery valet. The bagger has to take the groceries out to your car, and you are obligated to tip them (that's how they make their wages).

Baggers are also instructed to make small talk as they walk you to your car.

So the other day, I had a teenage guy handling my groceries. It started to rain as we were walking to my car. I stated, "Oh, good. now I have an excuse to not mow the lawn when I get home."

Then Mr. Man says, "Don't you have a husband or son that can do that for you?"


I know he was just making small talk, but there are just so many things wrong with that question...

Friday, September 2, 2011


I either have fat sausage fingers, or the typing function on this ipod is meant for babies. Every time i try to type a blog, my fingers mush the wrong letters. Even this has taken me half an hour to type, mainly because i have to use the backspace every other letter. That may be a slight exaggeration, but not by much...
But, next week is Texas, so maybe i'll have a chance to blog on my parents computer.