There are a lot of new issues and crises going on in my bubble right now (wildfires, burned homes, broken bones, blood clots, nursing homes, etc etc etc). I have neither the time nor desire to talk about them right now. Maybe in a couple days or so.
If I see one more person on Facebook say that they are "praying" or that "God is protecting" or that "prayers are being requested"...I am going to lose my ever-loving mind.
Seriously, stfu. I have never been so angry and ready to be a hermit in the Andes as I am now.
The next person that tells me they're "praying for help" is going to get beaned by a whiffle ball.
Yes, a whiffle ball. Not a softball, like I would REALLY like to hurl. I'm not completely heartless....
"(wildfires, burned homes, broken bones, blood clots, nursing homes, etc etc etc)" almost sounds like a sadistic Dr. Seuss book.