Fact: The cat is terrified of strangers, including cleaning ladies.
Fact: You will see the cat hiding behind a bookshelf after the cleaning lady leaves (or at least be 95% sure you saw him).
Fact: When the cat hasn't surfaced in thirty minutes, you will go hunting for him.
Fact: The cat will not be in any visible place. You will turn over couches. You will do belly crawls across the floor. You will almost rebreak your ankle trying to get off the floor.
Fact: You will call your husband, shrieking like a panic-frenzied harpy, insisting that the cleaning lady let the cat out.
Fact: In a genius attempt to make his owners crazy, the cat will decide that hiding UNDER CLOTHES in a corner is an even BETTER option than just hiding in a corner, sans camouflage.
Fact: After giving the cat the evil eye for two full minutes, you will decide that sticking him in a bag and drowning him in the river is perhaps too harsh of a punishment. You will dole out cookies instead.
Fact: 11:00 am is not too early for wine.
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