Saturday, June 18, 2011

Uncomfortably Numb

Yesterday I got the 40lb boot off my leg - FINALLY!!! I wore it til we got home, then took it off and tried to walk a little in the hotel. I figured I'd be all fawn-floppy, but I was stronger than I thought. Although, it's weird, because the areas surrounding my incision sites are completely numb. I know it's no big deal, but it is still disconcerting when you're scratching an itch, and you get to a spot where you just can't feel the scratch anymore. And on another, more serious note, my leg looks disgusting. All of the dead skin is finally starting to peel off. Think of your worst sunburn, and multiply that amount of peeling skin by 10. It's all Josh to do to not gag every time he sees my leg. GREAT for the romance department.
Iguana face by sly06, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  sly06 

"Hey baby, come give me a kiss."
"Do you have your socks on?"
"Um, no, I'm in my bare feeties."
"Well, I'm going to have to take a rain check. Let me know when you can no longer be called Courtzilla. And while we're at it, cut your toenails, woman! You could shuck oysters with those things!"

Remind me to sprinkle some toe skin on his face when he's asleep.

HAHA, GROSS, i've gone too far.

Did I mention I've started taking Ambien?? Because I have. And this feels gooooooood. But makes it hard to blog coherently. Apparently Ambien can cause sleep-walking, sleep-eating, sleep-driving, and sleep-sex. So, if this entry is starting to get really strange to you, let's just chalk it up to sleep-blogging, and ignore.

Ok, back on to my foot. Today was my first PT appointment. She was awesome, and funny, which I love because it means I don't have to restrain my awesome and funny from other people. She gave me a bunch of homework to do. She forced me to go up and down stairs...TWICE!! Bitch.

But, the best part about it - I am now the proud owner of my very own CANE!!!!! It's plain black, but I will be finding some stickers or paint markers, ASAP. I need something with flames, or glitter, or stars. Any ideas?

I also need a top hat....and a bow-tie. Mark my words, in the next month, you will see a photo of me with a cane, a top hat, and some sort of bow-tie. And I think I'll wear it out, at least once. Why embarrass yourself with a plain cane? I am determined to have fun with my ridiculousness.
So going grocery shopping like this:
Charlie Chaplin by twm1340, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  twm1340 

ON another note...dammmmmmmmn, I feel like hell. I really feel like I have the flu, without a flu. My whole body hurts from PT, and from walking with just a cane. My bad leg hurts, my good leg hurts from supporting the bad one more, my left arm and shoulder hurts from using the cane, and that all gets me cattywampus, so my back hurts. Some sort of Germany allergies are attacking me in a not very nice way, and so my eyes are itchy and watery, and my nose is gooey. Plus, we had a front come thru (it's a low of 51 right now), and I keep getting cold! So I'm laying in bed, tucked under big blankets, with lots of body aches, and facial goo. But really, I feel great!! Prettiest girl in the world, no doubt.

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