Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Do you like Seafood?

That was my favorite joke when I was little. Ok, I still do that joke now. But only for my dad, because it gets him every time. I still get hit in the head when I do it, but the hilarity is worth it.

you know what this joke is...

Courtney: Do you like seafood?
Dad: Yeah....
Courtney: ::takes bite of food, chews, then opens mouth to show dad:: "Well how's this?"
Then I get smacked.

Get it? See food. Seafood. Ha!

Anyway, if you remember my gripy post from yesterday, I had to make a cake. Josh's office was having a seafood-themed going away party. (wut?) I don't know the first thing about making seafood. So, I did the next best thing and made an ocean cake.

Here's the cake that made me have serious stomach issues all night. ( wasn't the cake, so much as it was the leftover candy that I was forced to I'm gonna let jelly beans go to waste...)

I'm doubting if it was worth the inevitable ulcer of the lower intestines, and the 5lbs I will no doubt gain.

Also (and this has been bothering me all day)....the fish aren't bigger than the sharks. The fish are just in the foreground, and the sharks are in the background.

I have to tell myself that, or my OCD will take hold, and ruin my brain over this cake.


  1. It's so be-utifulllll..... What is the green twisties? pasta? and, is the sand made from sugar?

    ps.... this is your mummy. It is easier to list myself as "anonymous".

  2. the sand is crushed vanilla wafers. the green and orange seaweed is airheads, cut with a pizza cutter, and twisted.

    i take it that was you who commented about the Baby Falafel?
