Ok, maybe I am.
But I'm DEFINITELY not one of those people who thinks that their pets are far superior above all other pets. And I would NEVER give up my comfort for the sake of my animals - for instance, giving them my half of the bed so I have to sleep hunched in the fetal position with no sheets.
Alright, alright, it is possible I am one of those people.
However, I am not one of those people that incessantly drones on about how wonderful their pets are, or how their pets have WAY more personality than your children have, or hell, way more personality than you have.
Ew....I am one of those people, aren't I?
Well, I may as well embrace the fact that I am one of those narcissistic, annoying, "pet parents." God, even the name "pet parent" makes me queasy.
But really, I have the best cat & dog in the world. They're just so freaking cute, and they have so much personality.

Be it their love of cherry sours, or their hatred of all other animals...and people, the Aycock furry-kids are the best kids in the world. I just had to put that out there.
Oh, and can you tell I've been cooped up in the apartment with the two of them for waaaayyyyyy too long? I need out, people. Somebody call the hostage negotiator, because I need a BREAK!!! The incessant barking, crying, growling (from both of them - yes, the cat hates hearing people in the stairwell just as much as the dog does), attention hogging behavior is getting on my nerves.
But damn, do I love them. Excuse me while I go give my widdle babies some tweats & pet their widdle heads and tell them how much I wuuuuuvvv dem.
Ugh, and now I have to vomit.
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