Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Plague


4 days. 4 days of Germany WASTED because SOMEBODY had to bring the flu germs into our house.

Now, I'm not naming any names, except I can tell ya that it wasn't me.

All Friday afternoon/evening, after the Japanese gardens, Mr. Aycock complained of a sore throat & a lot of mucus. Pleasant, eh? So, Saturday he woke up really not feeling well, and I woke up feeling not that great. So our plans were scrapped in hopes that we would feel better by Sunday & be able to go to the Easter market on.

WRONG! The Mister ended up with a fever all Saturday night. Sunday was my day to slip head first into Zombieland. Aaaaaand here we are, Tuesday, and I still feel like monkeybutt.

Do you know what really stinks?? Two people having a flu & fighting over who has to take the dog out - up and down 3 flights of stairs. I think I got out of doing it more than my fair share...and now I feel guilty.

So to Josh - thank you for being the mighty pillar in our family. Thank you for your self-sacrificing nature. Thank you for putting up with the whining of me, but not the whining of the dog, as she sat in front of the door & crossed her legs. You truly are a king among men.

Now, please pick up some dinner on your way home from work.

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