Friday, April 29, 2011


Well with all the muck that has been going on with me, my parents, in their infinite wisdom, have sent me a present to cope. My little brother will be flying to Germany tonight. This way, Josh can work & house hunt without interruption. Chris will help with the pets, and help haul me around in a wheelchair so I can get out of my cave. Plus, Chris can cook meals. Oh, I love my husband so much, but I can't WAIT for Chris to come cook!!!! You don't want to know how much direction my poor husband needs to grill a cheese sandwich, or microwave a potato. But it's ok, he tries, and I appreciate it.

But yay for real food!!!!

Anyway, my brother and I are something of a legend. He's my absolute BFF, and we get a long like two peas in a pod. But you always know when the Bolton children are around...we're always scheming something. You know when animals act strange before a storm, and things get eerily calm? Well, that's when you can tell the Bolton kids are up to something.

As soon as I'm thru with surgery, and am recovered enough to be out and about, we're going to rent a wheelchair for me, and tear thru Germany like a bunch of hooligans. I can guarantee there will be a wheelchair/crutch race at some point. I can guarantee we will take Chris to the places that serves 3 liter beers (and we WILL be drinking the 3L beers). I can guarantee there will be long philosophical discussions on how, if the world just realized that Chris and I have the best ideas on religion/politics/human nature, there would be no more wars, famines, plagues, or bad reality TV shows.

I do wish that he were coming here under better circumstances. We won't be able to do as much fun stuff as we'd like. But, it will still be a fun time. And I'm sure Josh is praising Jebus right about now, because I don't know how much more of my whining he can take. That, and he really hates scooping the litter box.

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